Clark Consulting Services

Changing the landscape
Community &Urban Design
Agricultural Land Assessments
Clark Consulting Services maintains accreditation for agricultural land evaluation. Let us help you manage your resources.
Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)
CCS specializes in rural planning and AIA’s. Principal Bob Clark is a Professional Agrologist and RPP (Registered Professional Planner) and leads a team who can meet your needs.
Rural Planning
Farm land is one of Canada’s most precious resources. Rural planning therefore requires an understanding of natural features, the rural community, its history, municipal planning and finance. Having grown up in rural Ontario Bob Clark is invested in supporting rural communities and their resources.
It's About The Fit
Everyone knows that a square peg won’t fit into a round hole – on its own. At Clark Consulting we pride ourselves on our ability to innovate solutions to the intricate problems of land use planning and development. Our team is well versed at creating planning solutions that fit.