Agricultural Impact Assessments
An AIA is a tool to identify and evaluate the impacts of proposed uses to avoid, and where avoidance is not possible, minimize and mitigate impacts on agriculture. The Growth Plan and Greenbelt Plan have the following definition of an AIA:
“a study that evaluates the potential impacts of non-agricultural development on agricultural operations and the Agricultural System and recommends ways to avoid or, if avoidance is not possible, minimize and mitigate adverse impacts.” .
Land use planning requirements for completing an AIA vary depending on the proposed type of non-agricultural use and other factors including the scale of the proposed development, its location and the relevant land use designation(s). There are also some policies that do not expressly require an AIA, but stipulate other policy outcomes such as mitigating impacts on agricultural operations and lands, or the Agricultural System. Where an AIA is not required, an AIA may still be an effective tool to satisfy the direction in these other policies.
CCS specializes in rural planning and AIA’s. Principal Bob Clark is a Professional Agrologist and RPP (Registered Professional Planner) and leads a team who can meet your needs.